
LAB: Cartesian Diver Lab

Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.


A wadded-up piece of aluminum foil would work as a diver.


Squeezing the bottle makes the diver float to the top.


The size of the air pocket at the top of the bottle has no effect on the performance of the diver.


Releasing the bottle makes the diver sink.


This is impossible! A Cartesian diver that is closed at the bottom will NOT behave the same way as one that is open on the bottom.


A closed-end Cartesian diver will also respond to pressure the same way that an open-ended one will. In other words, when you squeeze the bottle, the closed-end diver will also sink.


Increased pressure causes the volume of a gas sample to decrease.


If you add mass to an object without changing its volume, the objects density will decrease.


Whether an object floats or sinks in a fluid depends on whether that objects density is less than or greater than the density of the fluid.


You can decrease the density of an object by keeping the mass constant while decreasing the objects volume.


A candle that floats is tied to a paper clip. This would make an excellent Cartesian diver.


As pressure on the bottle is released, the air bubble inside the diver expands.


As pressure on the bottle is increased, the air bubble inside the diver gets smaller.

Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.


When you squeeze the bottle the water level inside the diver
goes up.
goes down.
stays the same.
none of the above.


When you release the bottle the water level in the diver
goes up.
goes down.
stays the same.
none of the above.


To determine the density of the Cartesian diver we would need to consider
mass & color.
mass & length.
mass & size.
mass & volume.


According to Boyles Law, the volume of a gas is directly related to
the size of the container.
the type of gas.
the pressure being applied to it.
the shape of the container.


A Cartesian diver is stuck on the bottom of a bottle filled with water, with not quite enough air to get it to the top. Which of the following suggestions would work?
Shake the bottle
heat the bottle
Squeeze the bottle
cool down the bottle



Which illustration shows a diver with the greatest density?


Which illustration shows a diver with the lowest density?


Which illustration shows a diver with the most volume?


Which illustration shows a diver with the least volume?


Which illustration shows a bottle with the highest pressure?


Which illustration shows a bottle with the lowest pressure?


Which diver shows the best balance between pressure and density?