On Thursday, August 30th parents will have a chance to vote FOR or AGAINST the spring 2007 marine biology Everglades and Florida Keys Trip.

Read comments from both students and parents who rave about this trip (see
Student & Parent Testimonials) and you will find that it is well worth the cost. On the Florida Keys Trip web page you will find an illustrated Walk-Through of trip activities. Or, you can listen to one of over 90 Stories recorded by students after the  2005 Florida Keys trip. For items not covered in these general overviews we now have a Frequently Asked Questions page as well. 7th HG science students have participated in this extraordinary marine biology field trip to the Everglades and Florida Keys every year since 1992!

At the August 30th  parent meeting information will be provided on the trip and a video will be shown detailing the experiences students will have during their stay at Sea Camp. Parents will have a chance to ask questions and hear from other parents who have older children who have been on the trip in past years.

At the end of the meeting parents will have a chance to vote FOR or AGAINST the trip. Should the majority vote FOR the trip, opportunities will be available for parents to volunteer to help out with trip details. We need parents to help with payment receipts, the December Poinsettia fundraiser, our February bookstore fundraiser, trip snacks, the telephone tree, and of course, we need several parents to go along with us as chaperones. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, August 30!