Double Coupons
Students can put Science or Wolf Team 3pt. coupons on tests, labs, and homework assignments. During the 1st nine weeks they can double up and put two coupons on an assignment if they want. -- But you cannot use two WEB coupons!
At various times during the year students will have a chance to earn a 3 point coupon in science.
This is a great way to "pad" scores in science and help teachers out by bringing things back to class that teacher's need to have returned.
Here are some of the ways that bonus points can be earned:
1. Bring back a VIP email PROGRESS REPORT signed by a parent within 1 week of its being sent out through email.
2. Bring back your science WORK FOLDER the very next day after you have received it with a parent signature.
3. Bring back the Hanes TEAM PACK Envelope signed by a parent the day after it is sent home.
Cut out this Web Coupon and Save it for the next TEST!
1. Print this page.
2. Cut out the Science coupon & write in the date.
3. Sign the coupon with your first & last name.
4. Bring it to class the day of the test.
5. When you turn the test in staple the coupon to the front
of your test.