
LAB: Dry Ice Mini-Labs

True/False     Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.


Raisins: By themselves raisins are more dense than the Sprite -- thus, they sink.


Raisins: When CO2 bubbles attach to the raisins, the raisins become less dense than the Sprite, therefore they float to the top.


Raisins: CO2 is more dense than Sprite.


Balloons: The balloon inflates because the air inside is heated.


Balloons: The balloon continues to expand because hot air rises.


Candle: You can pour CO2 because it has the same density as air.


Candle: The candle flame is extinguished because CO2 is cold.


Candle: As you pour CO2 you will notice that the gas is frosty white in color.


Candle: CO2 is odorless.


Candle: The candle flame goes out because the wick gets too cold.


Film:  The build up of gas inside the film canister causes pressure to increase.


Film:  The top of the film canister will blow off in about 25 seconds regardless of the amount of dry ice in the container.


Movie Fog: Fog flows out of the beaker and along the table top riding piggy back on top of cold CO2 gas.


Movie Fog: Fog flowing over the table top disappears because the water droplets warm up and evaporate.


Movie Fog: The amount of fog created slows down eventually. This is because the dry ice is producing less CO2 gas.


Movie Fog: The white fog that appears is a property of CO2 gas.


Movie Fog: Hot water is placed in the beaker because it forces the dry ice to sublimate faster.


Jet Power: The nozzle of the bottle should be closed when you are putting dry ice into the water.


Jet Power: When you turn the bottle upside down water shoots out because of gravity.


Jet Power: Bubbles made using the bubble-blowing wand are white inside because CO2 is white.


Magnetic Bubbles: Detergent reduces the surface tension of water, allowing a flexible skin to form around the rising CO2 gas.


Magnetic Bubbles: The reason bubbles stick together is because CO2 gas is sticky.


Magnetic Bubbles: Towards the end of the bubbling, the bubbles turn clear. This is because the dry ice is running out.


Aquarium: Bubbles sink in air because they are more dense than the air around them.


Aquarium: Bubbles float in the aquarium because they are more dense than air and less dense than CO2.


Aquarium: There is a layer of CO2 gas in the bottom of the aquarium because CO2 is more dense than air.


Hockey Puck: Tiny pieces of dry ice scoot around on a smooth desk top because they are cold and the desk is warm.


Hockey Puck: Small pieces of dry ice eventually disappear because they melt.


Tongs: When you grab a piece of dry ice with a pair of tongs, the tongs sing because the dry ice is cold.


Tongs: Warm tongs pressing against cold dry ice causes rapid sublimation directly underneath the metal. This excape of gases pushes the tongs away while hand pressure pushes the tongs back. This happens very fast and causes the tongs to vibrate.


Tongs: When metal vibrates rapidly, sound is produced.



Dry ice sublimating


CO2 is heavier than air and can be poured


normal mix of gases


CO2 fills the bottom of the beaker and snuffs out the flame because it is 1) heavier than air; and 2) it is NOT flammable.


Dry ice pellets




Build-up of pressure


Water forced out under pressure




Dry ice pellets






Most dense


Medium density


Least dense


Room temperature


Getting much colder


-109.7 o F


Area where greatest sublimation occurs