Chapter 11 – Speed & Acceleration

Speed – Chapter 11 – Quiz Questions #1

pp. 363 - 369 


  2. Define SPEED.

  3. Define VELOCITY

  4. Which should you use in calculating how many gallons of gas you will need to make a road trip – distance or displacement? Give your answer and explain.

  5. Explain the concept of “frame of reference.”

  6. You are on a boat going down a river at 5 km/hr. The river is flowing in the same direction at 2 km/hr. What is the combined speed of the boat?  What would the speed of the boat be if you reversed your direction of travel and went upstream?

  7. What is the formula for determining average speed?

  8. What is meant by the term “instantaneous speed?”

  9. What does the term “average speed” mean?

  10. You are in a car traveling forward at 35 miles/hr. It is raining. There is no wind. Why does the rain appear to be coming straight towards the windshield?

  11.  List 3 units of measurement for … a) distance,  b) time,  c) speed,  d) velocity

  12. Speed is dependent upon what two factors?

  13. What is the difference between SPEED and VELOCITY?

  14. CAR #1 is going 25 km/hr on the highway. CAR #2, going 50 km/hr just passedCar #1. a) If your frame of reference is car #1, what is the speed of car #2? b) If your frame of reference is car #2, what is the speed of car #1?

  15. A skateboard is heading towards a tree at 3 km/hr. Describe what you see from these frames of reference: a) the skateboard, b) bystander on the side of the path, c) the tree.

Graphing Motion – Chapter 11 – Quiz Questions #2

pp. 370 - 371 



  3. On a distance – time graph what is the “independent variable?”

  4. For line graphs which axis do you use for distance, which axis for time?

  5. If you have a distance – time graph of the speed of an automobile and it is NOT a straight line, what does that mean?

  6. On a distance – time graph for a vehicle moving at a constant speed, describe the slope of the line if the car is moving …. a) very fast, b) parked and not moving, c) moving slowly

  7. Imagine that you could ride a baseball that is hit hard enough for a home run. Using the concept of frame of reference, describe what is happening from these perspectives:  a) batter,  b) you sitting on top of the baseball, c) outfielder trying to catch the hit.

  8. Look at the three distance (vs) time graphs on page 371. What is the average speed of each car:  a) Fast-moving car, b) Slow-moving car, c) Car with changing speed?

  9. Look at the Distance Vs. Time graph on the bottom left-hand corner of page 370. Visually compare the red line with the blue line and green line. Calculate the slope of the red line.

  10. Using the Distance Vs. Time graph on the bottom left-hand corner of page 370, list the relative speeds (fast, medium, slow) of the colored lines:  a) Red line, b) Green line, c) Blue line.

Acceleration – Chapter 11 – Quiz Questions #3

pp. 372 – 377


  2. Acceleration can be a change in what two things?

  3. Is it possible to constantly accelerate when never speeding up or slowing down? Why or why not?


  5. What is the formula for acceleration?

  6. If an objects starts at rest, what is its initial velocity?

  7. How would the answer to an acceleration problem be shown if an object is slowing down?

  8. List three examples of positive acceleration.

  9. List three examples of negative acceleration.

  10. List three examples of acceleration due to a change in direction.

  11. Word Problem:  Natalie begins from a stop and then accelerates her skateboard to 4 m/s in 2.5s. What is her acceleration?

  12. Word Problem:  A turtle is swimming towards shore at 0.5 m/s. After 4s, its speed has increased to 0.8 m/s. What is the turtle’s acceleration?

Forces – Chapter 11 – Quiz Questions #4

pp. 380 - 382

  1. Define the word FORCE.

  2. What are the four FUNDAMENTAL FORCES?

  3. Give two examples of FIELD FORCES.

  4. What are BALANCED FORCES?


  6. Do balanced forces change motion?

  7. What is the NET FORCE acting on a piano if ….. a) two students are each putting a force of 100N on the piano from the same side, or b) if the students are pushing from opposite sides of the piano?

  8. Using BALANCED or UNBALANCED to describe the forces you would prefer, consider these examples and state why you chose your answer:  a) Building a house, b) Riding your bicycle, c) Sitting on top of a fence, d) Riding a roller coaster.

  9. When an object is at rest, are any forces acting upon it? Explain.

Friction – Chapter 11 – Quiz Questions #5

pp. 382 - 387

  1. Define FRICTION.



  4. Explain what is happening with STATIC FRICTION when you push on an object but do not move it.

  5. Why is static friction usually greater than kinetic friction?

  6. List the three types of KINETIC FRICTION and provide an example of each.

  7. How can you reduce friction for each of the three types of kinetic friction?

  8. How can you INCREASE static friction?

  9. Describe three ways to reduce the force of friction between a heavy block and a table top.

  10. What is the amount of static friction acting on a truck if the truck does not move and the force pulling the truck downhill is 2000N? (Note: answer must include number + direction of force).

  11. How are balanced and unbalanced forces related to static and kinetic friction?

  12. What happens when a net force acts upon an object?

Summary – Chapter 11 – Quiz Questions #6

p. 389

  1. Define MOTION.

  2. Define SPEED.

  3. What is the formula for SPEED?

  4. What kind of line is produced by using a distance – time graph to illustrate constant speed?

  5. What is ACCELERATION?

  6. What are the three things that acceleration can mean?

  7. What is the formula for ACCELERATION?

  8. What are the four fundamental forces in nature?

  9. Explain BALANCED and UNBALANCED forces.

  10. Define the word FRICTION.

  11. List and explain the two types of friction.