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How Solar Cells Work47 views
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Skyscrapers34 views
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Behaviorism & John Watson81 views
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How Casts Work46 views
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Alexander Graham Bell74 views
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Jane Goodall #1184 views
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How Hard Drives Work78 views
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114 viewsWhen in the atmosphere, the globe experiences a buoyancy force upward exerted by air. WHY does the globe seem to weigh more when the air is taken out of the bell jar?
(1 votes)
103 viewsThe air pockets in shaving cream will expand in a vacuum. So WHY does the shaving cream get bigger?
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91 viewsIn this case, the momentum of the large ball is transferred to balls at the end. WHY does the last ball go out so far to the right?
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161 viewsThe air pockets in jet-puffed marshmallows will expand in a vacuum. So, WHY does the marshmallow man get bigger as air is sucked out of the bell jar?
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128 viewsThere is a flexible membrane at the top of the cylinder. When the demonstrator puts his hand on the top of the cylinder, the "diver" sinks. When he takes his hand away, the diver rises to the surface. WHY?
(1 votes)
200 viewsThe bucket (and water contained therein) experiences centripetal acceleration when swung in a circle. WHY doesn't the demonstrator get wet? (or, WHY doesn't the water fall out of the bucket?)
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Atlantic Spadefish44 views
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