China's Great Wall
The Great Wall in China stretches some 3000 miles west of Beijing. It was originally intended to keep the Mongol hordes out of the country, but the strategy didn't work. A sentry on the Great Wall was bribed the Mongol "hordes" streamed over the wall and eventually took over the country.

I spent a day hiking an 11km. section of the wall on my recent trip to China. There are LOTS of steps, both going up and down since the wall hugs the crests of hills and ridge lines. Local villagers tagged along in hopes of selling us postcards, T-shirts, or books (mostly in Chinese!) as souvenirs.
23 Jul 2005 by

by alexis @ 23 Jul 2005 12:53 pm
wow..Mr.C...that sounds like alot of fun...

by Dark Hecatomb @ 24 Jul 2005 02:33 am
I wish that I could go to China. (It'd be a lot more interesting than here, that's for sure.)

by Charlotte @ 26 Jul 2005 06:42 pm
HA!!! Bored it see....

by samantha @ 02 Aug 2005 05:30 pm
that sounds great. any other highlights of the summer? i wish i could go back for the olympics 2008 did u see any special stuff for it?


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