Visit Our New CHAT ROOM!
Our first group CHAT was wildly successful with many students logging in and making comments. Mr C. has turned "ON" logging --- that means that everything you type is recorded so that he can go back and see every comment made during and between formal chat sessions. So.... word to the wise ... no cussing, no bad language, no put downs. Be nice or you'll get thrown out of the chat room.....

Chat Room Schedule:

Tuesday, Nov. 14th: 8-9 pm (Topic: 1st Elements Test)

Monday, Nov. 20th: 8-9 pm (Topic: Elements Test final Exam)

MrC will be "on line" and available for questions. "General Chat" has a limit of 50 participants.... so, the first 50 people who log on get in. After that, you'll get a 'room full' message.

Here is the link 7HAG Chat Room.
13 Nov 2006 by

by caroline @ 14 Nov 2006 03:03 pm
yeah for Mr. C! This is a great idea!

by 123456789 @ 14 Nov 2006 04:01 pm
i like it!

by Little Garrl @ 27 Nov 2006 03:54 pm
nau what

by Tylerito @ 06 Dec 2006 08:41 pm
Are there going to be more chatroom dates!?!?!?!?


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