We're Back!
OK, so we're back and you can catch up on sleep!

What did you think of the trip? Have fun? Learn new stuff? Let's hear it!
04 May 2007 by

by Zero @ 04 May 2007 01:41 pm
yaaawwwn i forgot all i learned

by Wafel @ 04 May 2007 01:56 pm
One word:AWESOME

by ronni @ 04 May 2007 02:00 pm
[yawn] sleepy

by colin @ 04 May 2007 02:18 pm
im pooped beyond comparison. but i refuse to go to sleep...

by COLIN LEARNED A NEW WORD @ 04 May 2007 02:20 pm

by Gene @ 04 May 2007 02:25 pm
Why do we have to enter the code?

by sarah @ 04 May 2007 03:21 pm

by angela @ 04 May 2007 03:51 pm
i miss florida!!

by i love rob @ 04 May 2007 06:00 pm
pink the sunset is pink and so is the rose the buttercup glowwss all yellowey colors twirl in the sky together we makkkkkee the rainbowww shineeeeee

i missss the bs2 and the cc!
that trip was amazing
especially the touchy feely tank!!
i wanna go again.
ps the 8th grade trip is boooorrriiinnnggg
just lettin you knowww

by Jason @ 05 May 2007 07:41 am
I was in the same boat as Colin (figuratively) but my mom made me go to sleep.i was not happy about this. but the trip was realy really really awesome and i am really really happy!!!

by canada @ 05 May 2007 09:44 am
I soooooo miss the Keys. and i want to go back to both sea camp and sea world. Cant we just go on this trip again next year instead of DC. oh, and wen i got home, i slept for 11 hours straight. I woke up at 4:30 PM. Also (this is odd) when i walk, i feel like i'm on a boat and am about to fall over. I like the ocean. I do not want to go back to school. Im gonna move to florida. MrC, can we go back this summer to see our instructors and say hi. it will be so fun. pleeez. bye. OH, I like muffins.

by Jason @ 05 May 2007 09:49 am
you think that's wierd, canada? well this is really strange, but it feels like i'm wearing a hat al the time. I swear, this morning i woke up and thought i was wearing a hat and tried to touch the hat, and i felt really wierd when i just touched my head instead (shiver...). my parents say i have a headache/am hallucinating but that's not true! really!

by ronni @ 05 May 2007 10:00 am
i'm still wearing my hat cuz it feels like i'm bald when i take it off.

by Zero @ 05 May 2007 10:35 am
this trip was filled with
bad memories.

by Zero @ 05 May 2007 10:36 am
i had a series of dreams
and i slept on and off and
the dreams felt so real.
=[ something is wrong with me.

by Rioghnach @ 05 May 2007 11:16 am
HAHAHA he likes muffins.
Anyway. MrC, I think I left a bag of mine on the bus- did you mayhap find one? Or did Mr. Fred find one? Erm?

It was fun. Except for:
-the mud
-the sun
-the sunSCREEN (4 layers of SPF 70 and I STILL GOT BURNT! *&^%!)
-the sharksicle
-the rip-off shamu
-the swimming among waves
-and the leaving our awesome counselors

But the rest was okay. I guess.

I feel like I have a hat too! And since I haven't played in so long my piano feels small and weird cause I grew a couple cm on the trip. And my skin feels sticky. Like it has ...a certain substance... on it. (Insert either mud or sunscreen)

But it was okay. I guess. Semi.

by ronni @ 05 May 2007 12:08 pm
mmhmm semi...

by Rioghnach @ 05 May 2007 01:54 pm
yep, semi. mhhmm.

by K/Z @ 05 May 2007 02:31 pm


by somebody loves florida @ 05 May 2007 04:22 pm
i looooooved this trip!!! i miss sea camp and all my friends and i really wish we could go back. anne, hope ur casseopia stings get better and meredith, say hi to von swede for me, k? mr. c please take us back there next year!!! maybe we could be chaperones?

by Caroline @ 05 May 2007 06:08 pm
THAT WAS THE COOLEST MOST AWESOMEST TRIP IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD! Now I am now longer home sick, I am CAMP SICK! I really had the best time of my life there, I could live there! Even though Shamu never came out that family got to swim together without control, somewhat free! And isn't that more important!

by Caroline @ 05 May 2007 06:11 pm
Like that quote from THE SCHOOL OF ROCK where the fake teacher says something like, "The man was the one who took Shamu out of the open and dumped him in a big chlorine tank!" And even though it isn't really a chlorine tank he has a point. Like a parrot in a cage being told to sing for food and then getting to see his kid and be with him and doesn't care if he is deprived of food!

by ronni @ 05 May 2007 07:08 pm

by Zero @ 05 May 2007 07:17 pm
im sick

by ronni @ 05 May 2007 07:32 pm
i'm sorry, want me to bring some chicken soup? i make a mean chicken soup.

by Zero @ 05 May 2007 08:18 pm
lets just say...
im emotionally sick

by ronni @ 05 May 2007 08:46 pm
well, still, chicken soup is pretty tasty.

by Zero @ 05 May 2007 09:14 pm
no way!
im now certified Vegitarian.

by jAMes :] @ 05 May 2007 10:36 pm
best trip ever!!!!! ok gotta go finish my journal.

by Canada @ 06 May 2007 08:58 am
Sooooooooo! who votes to skip school and run away to the keys!!! I so want to go back. oh! and i love SCHOOL OF ROCK!!! and JACK BLACK!!!! and FLORIDA!!!and JIMMY BUFFET!!! how come we didnt get to eat any CHEESEBURGERS IN PARADISE???????!!!!! SERIOUSLY!!!!! C'MON!!! bye.

by Zero @ 06 May 2007 11:15 am
i want to stay at home.
i feel really bad.

by :( @ 06 May 2007 01:36 pm
i miss florida

by Trade a fry @ 06 May 2007 06:45 pm
I agree with Canada, but what does Jimmy Buffet, School of Rock, and Jack Black have to do with the Keys? Oh, and We really SHOULD run away and go to Florida.

by sweet fancey moses! @ 06 May 2007 06:48 pm
lol there are so many great memories from that trip! Every time i think of them i get keys sick! omg y am i writing this when i still have to finish my journal!

by mandapanda @ 06 May 2007 07:33 pm
wow, i feel pretty bad for you zero. but i did have a lot of fun at the keys, and my counselor Karen rocks!!!! but sea world was kinda a ripoff, but the bus rides were fun! Push it to the limit ronni! (inside joke from the bus)

by sugg @ 06 May 2007 07:57 pm
amazing trip. except for the fact that fox fox got a stomach virus, and then since lackey and i sat right next to him, we got it the next day. (im not completely sure lackey got it, but thats what i heard) at least i got it at home and not in florida

by Canada @ 07 May 2007 11:20 am
Jimmy Buffett sings about the florida keys and hawaii. and i just like the school of rock and jack black.

by ronni @ 07 May 2007 02:43 pm
yeah, idk why amanda and i were singing and dancing to that song, i hate it!

push it, push it, to the limit, limit. cuz we're in it to win it, in it to win it. OH YEAH!

by Maddy!!! @ 07 May 2007 02:54 pm
the keys were soo much fun!!! i wish we could go back... like TOMARROW!!! the worst part was coming home at 6:30 and having a mom who wants to know EVERYTHING about the trip... talk about annoying! = )

by Zero @ 07 May 2007 03:19 pm
i am kj

by Wafel @ 07 May 2007 03:21 pm

by Jason @ 07 May 2007 03:27 pm
Well, lookin back the trip was a blast although i didn't quite remember what we did (I've got short-to-sorta-in-the-middle-memory-loss and I'm proud of it!) at Sea World, but now i wanna go back. By the way, some of the songs were really good (e.g. bounce and flow). If you don't like it, maybe you just lack spirit...

by ronni @ 07 May 2007 06:41 pm
i hated that song.
so annoying.
over and over and over
and over and over and
over and over and over
and over and over and
over again!

by Hammy @ 07 May 2007 07:50 pm
i miss the keys sooooooooo much and i REALLY wanna go back maybe i'll stow away on the bus next year next to the snacks... but anyways it was still awesome and the girls bus was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we kicked gleutemus maximus (sp?) it was soooo amazing and the club that we had...ooooh man we live in a sick ans twisted world...and then there was Eggbert and his girlfriend Eggina that was cool

by toast @ 08 May 2007 02:55 pm
Dear Waffle:
I AGREE! my life was completly destroyed! i have nothing to live for now!
Sincerly: Toast

by Dude @ 08 May 2007 03:56 pm
Shamu was not the one who ruined the show. it was the new family of orcas. They needed some family time. So dont blame Shamu. blame the new family of orcas. even though it was the people who are in charge of the show who refused to let the orcas continue the show. blame them. do NOT blame the orcas... or whales....or whatever they are.

by Dude @ 08 May 2007 03:58 pm
In other words, blame the peeps in charge of the show and not the poor whales.

by Person @ 08 May 2007 04:34 pm
You can't force a whale to do something that it doesn't want to do.

by Zero @ 08 May 2007 04:47 pm
you cant tell it what too do.

by Caroline @ 08 May 2007 04:53 pm
Oh my good gollie gracious! I was just watching CNN and they said due to global warming this disease has struck coral! And in the next 30 years 30% of the worlds coral will be dead!


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