Rube Goldberg Machine
15 Nov 2011

CIMI Photo Galleries Now Posted

Click on the picture above or this LINK to go to the CIMI photo galleries. There are seven albums with over 500 pictures. Albums include the boat trip, camp & free swim, climbing wall, hikes, kayaking, labs, and snorkeling.

To start a slide show, click on an individual picture, adjust the pause delay, and then click on "Play" to begin the slide show.

At the end of the slideshow, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on "Return to thumbnails" to return to the gallery view.
11 Oct 2011

Whale Watch Photo Gallery

Click on the picture above or this LINK to view the Whale Watch Photo Gallery. There are over eighty pictures with lots of whales, dolphins, sea lions, pelicans, and of course STUDENTS!

To start a slide show, click on an individual picture, adjust the pause delay, and then click on "Play" to begin the slide show.

At the end of the slideshow, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on "Return to thumbnails" to return to the gallery view.
26 Sep 2011

Get Ready for CIMI!

In just a few short days we'll be heading off to Catalina Island to spend five days at CIMI -- the Catalina Island Marine Institute. You'll have a chance to snorkel, rock climb, kayak, hike, swim, and generally have a blast for five days.

Here are some links on the science web site to help you get ready:
1. Podcasting audio files on CIMI adventures
2. 2010 CIMI Trip Photo Gallery
3. In-class Slides on the trip
4. CIMI study guides page
04 Sep 2011

Moodle Comes to Chadwick 6th Grade
moodle-logo2 Mr. Clauset has installed the "Moodle" application on his web site in order to make it possible for students at Chadwick in Korea and students at Chadwick in Palos Verdes to work together on collaborative projects.

Each student and teacher on the 6th grade teams (both Korea & the US) will receive a username and password in the next few weeks. Teachers from Chadwick and Chadwick International will work together to develop a series of collaborative projects for this school year.

Forums, chat rooms, wikis, surveys, web pages, and quizzes are available to science, math, and humanities teachers. Students can log in from home or at school. The web site is open twenty-four hours a day!

Click on this Moodle LINK to go to the web site.
03 Sep 2011

Pool Party Pictures!
Check out the 94 pictures taken during the June 13th 6th Grade Fun Day pool party.

Click on the picture above to go to the photo gallery. To start a slide show, click on an individual picture, adjust the pause delay, and then click on "Play" to begin the slide show.
13 Jun 2011

Boat Race Video
05 Jun 2011

The Great Float-Your-Boat Challenge

Check out the 215 pictures taken during the June 2nd boat races.

Click on the picture above to go to the photo gallery. To start a slide show, click on an individual picture, adjust the pause delay, and then click on "Play" to begin the slide show.
03 Jun 2011

Giant Displacement Tank Pictures

Check out the 188 pictures taken during the recent lab with our giant displacement tank!

Click on the picture above to go to the photo gallery. To start a slide show, click on an individual picture, adjust the pause delay, and then click on "Play" to begin the slide show.
30 Apr 2011

YouTube Videos on Study Guides Page

A new feature has been added to the Earth Science study guides page -- Teaching and General Information videos hosted on Mr. Clauset's YouTube Channel.

Click on the picture above to go to the video page on Climate Change. Use the menu at the top of the page to access Teaching or Video Clip Libraries on subjects taught in our Earth Science class. Each menu choice points to a different YouTube channel playlist. The Teaching Video section will be used in the coming months as a substitute for classroom lectures as we focus more in class on projects and labs.
01 Apr 2011

Bottle Rocket Photo Gallery

Check out the pictures taken during our pre-holiday vacation launching of bottle rockets!

Click on the picture above to go to the photo gallery. To start a slide show, click on an individual picture, adjust the pause delay, and then click on "Play" to begin the slide show.
05 Jan 2011

White Christmas in North Carolina
As you can see from the snow piled up on Mr. C's back porch, North Carolina got a surprise white Christmas. This is quite rare for the area, as snow and ice storms don't usually hit until late January and February.

The storm dumped six to eight inches of powdery snow putting a thick layer of white on plants and outdoor furniture. Temperatures dropped and by Monday the high was only 32 degrees! The forecast for the rest of the week predicts warmer temperatures -- in the mid 40's -- so the snow should disappear by the end of the week.
27 Dec 2010

Visit the California ScienCenter!
Infrared-CameraPictYes, this is so cool! You just have to visit the California Science Center in downtown LA.

Once you get there go straight to the ECOSYSTEMS exhibit and look for the Desert display. You'll see a camera on a pedestal that you can control with a joy stick. Move the camera around until it is pointing at YOU! Then, you'll see what you look like in INFRARED light! This picture is Mr. Clauset taking a picture of himself from the LCD display in front of him. (Note: Infrared is your "heat signature" -- what you look like emitting heat.) White is the warmest temperature. Red is getting cooler... and green is next. Blue would be even cooler and black is coldest of all.

There are several lizards in the enclosure in front of you that you can focus the camera on -- they show up as GREEN -- meaning, pretty cool... unlike your skin which is WHITE and HOT!
16 Nov 2010

Earth Science Study
Earth_layersStudents have begun learning about the layers of the Earth and tectonic plates.

We've investigated s-waves and p-waves, properties of the inner and outer core, as well as the unusual properties of the planet's crust. It's all about density -- heavier rock like basalt lines the oceans' floor, while lighter granite fills the continental land masses.

Next we'll take a look at tectonic plates, plate boundaries, and the more common fault types.

For our first major lab dealing with earth science, we'll look at bathymetric maps and attempt to plot the boundaries of tectonic plates using the locations of earthquakes, volcanoes, mid-ocean ridges, and ocean trenches. Finally, we'll try to reconstruct the super-continent Pangaea of 245 million years ago.
18 Oct 2010

Kelp Forest Resources
WhalewatchClick on the diagram of the giant kelp plant to the left to go to our new Kelp Forest study guides page.

There you will find links that will take you to copies of the class power point, worksheets completed in class, and many videos and interesting web sites on kelp forests.
26 Sep 2010

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