Student On-Line Newspaper
The “Cry Wolf Chronicles” is an on-line newspaper written by seventh grade students (and.. with a bit of help from some very talented 6th graders) at Hanes Middle School. Using CuteNews flat-file blog technology, the single sheet web page incorporates eight panels, each hosting a different blog window.
Topics for the newspaper include: News, Sports, Guess Who, Dear Abby, Reviews, Cartoons, Rants & Raves, and Riddles. The newspaper operates as an after-school club on Wednesday and Friday afternoons. Visitors to the newspaper can read current and past articles in each section as well as post “comments” about articles posted.
Student authors love to read the “comments” about their articles and often guage the effectiveness and timeliness of their article by the number of comments that visitors post. To visit the on-line newspaper click on this title:
Cry Wolf Chronicles