9/10 -- Weather Test #1 Coming Soon! | ||
It's time to check out the flash cards and PRACTICE TESTS for the first unit in science -- Weather, Chapter 1. Below you will find a study guide, flash card files, and two practice tests for the first test. | ||
Newspaper Club to Start This Week | ||
The "Cry Wolf Chronicles" will start production this week. If you like writing -- or -- if you like working with graphics or are an aspiring artist and would like to join our staff, there are no requirements -- other than showing up on Tuesday or Friday afternoons from 2:15 to 3:30. Sorry 8th graders, this year the club is only open to 7th grade students.Newspaper sections include: |
First Day of School -- Monday, Aug. 27 | ||
Welcome to the 2007 - 2008 school year! We're looking forward to a great year with lots of interesting science labs, some old favorites, and some new ideas. Open House is now over and we are heading into the LAST FREE WEEKEND! Sleep late, gather your strength and on Monday, we'll be off and running for a new school year. Check out the links to the left and snoop around the science web site. New this year will be a series of "Scavenger Hunts" for seventh graders to FIND details hidden within pages on the science web site. |
School's OUT! | ||
![]() Don't be sad that the web page has changed. Yes, I have set it up for rising 7th graders for the start of the year. You can handle it! Don't be sad... just keep in touch! Hey, we spent a year together and that means a lot to me. Even though you have to move on to eighth grade, I still want to know how you are getting along! By the way, check out the new POLL in the bottom right hand corner of the web page and vote for your favorite activity this summer. Remember, I'll ALWAYS be interested in what you are doing and thinking ... so, check in frequently. |
Security Hole Plugged | ||
For those of you who have experienced difficulties with the science web site, steps have been taken to block and eliminate the malicious code that was being added to the science web page download each time you visited. The unwanted code has been found and removed. Page loads now occur much faster and no virus links remain. Thank you for your patience while we attempted to discover the source of the offending code. In summary, the problem has been fixed and you can be certain that the science web site is now free of unwanted downloads. We apologize for the inconvenience. |
Newspaper to Go OFF-LINE over Summer | ||
As of Friday of this week, the Cry Wolf Chronicles will go off-line to protect the newspaper during the summer vacation. The front page of the newspaper will be replaced with a single page containing a single blog. You may add comments to the main entry, but the regular blog windows will be unavailable. It's been a great ride this year. Thank you to all of our loyal readers and web-writers for participating in our web-based newspaper for the second year of operation. 43 Issues (13,685 hits): #1: News -- 37 articles + 687 comments #2: Sports -- 34 articles + 552 comments #3: Guess Who? -- 33 articles + 847 comments #4: Dear Abbey -- 32 articles + 939 comments #5: Reviews -- 53 articles + 791 comments #6: Cartoons -- 45 articles + 1148 comments #7: Rants & Raves -- 37 articles + 1219 comments #8: Riddles -- 39 articles + 814 comments Grand Total: 310 articles + 6,997 comments |
Pool Party Pictures Now Available | ||
Journal Scenes (95 picts) Are Now Available | ||
Click on the picture above (it's Carrie) to go to the photo gallery which hosts scenes from your Florida Keys Trip Journals. No individual pictures this year -- the scenes were so many and so interesting that I have decided to only create a gallery of art scenes this year. If yours isn't listed, sorry... I ran out of energy. Each picture had to be individually scanned into the computer, cleaned up in Photoshop, cropped, and resized BEFORE it was uploaded. I spent the entire day doing it so.... enjoy. |
Florida Keys Photo Galleries | ||
Seven new Florida Keys Trip photo galleries are now available. There are over 1400 pictures. Thanks go to all of those who submitted pictures to add to the galleries... Mr. Gwyn, Mrs. Taylor, Mr. Cox, Mrs. Hinshaw, Mrs. Purdee, and Dr. Bloomfeld. Several students added pictures as well. The "Labs" page has TWO photo gallery pages since there are over 360 pictures in that gallery. Click on the picture above or this LINK to be taken to the photo gallery pages. |
We're Back! | ||
OK, so we're back and you can catch up on sleep! What did you think of the trip? Have fun? Learn new stuff? Let's hear it! |
Let's Go! | ||
Saturday, April 28th seventh grade HAG students will travel south to Florida for a week of hands-on labs, excursions, hikes, boat trips, snorkeling, and investigations in marine biology. Stops include the Everglades, Big Pine Key [Sea Camp], and Sea World in Orlando, Florida. Buses arrive for departure at the Hanes Middle School bus parking lot at 1:30 pm, Saturday, April 28. Students will return at the end of the trip to Thruway Shopping Center parking lot by 7:00 am Friday, May 4th. |
One Day to Go! | ||
Ah, the tests are over! YES! Now to make sure that you are packed and ready to go Saturday. Remember: 1) Bus arrives at 1:30 at Hanes bus parking lot. Don't park in the bus lot! 2) Put your towel, sandals, bathing suit, & sunscreen in your back pack along with food for Saturday supper + snacks + entertainment. 3) Put Journal-writing supplies in your bookbag. 4) Put suitcase or duffel in middle bus storage compartment, bedroll or sleeping bag in front compartment & bookbag & pillow on your seat. 5) Give medications to Mrs. Taylor. 6) Hold your money until MrC or Mrs. Taylor calls the roll. 7) Help us store drinks, snacks, & coolers in back compartment of girls' bus. |
Low Friction Cart Lab Picts Posted | ||
Pictures from Wednesday's Low Friction Cart Lab have been posted on the science photo gallery page. Click on this LINK and you will be taken to the photo gallery. Check out Mitch's socks, Taylor's pose, and Alex's "battery" wallet. |
Three Days to Go! | ||
The final Phylum Exam is on Thursday. Remember that you must ALSO know 2 characteristics for each phylum we studied. Lots of extra credit is available and this is your last chance to "pad" that science average with good test scores. Have you finished packing for the trip?Found a bathing suit? Found Trip Journal supplies? (colored pencils, outline felt tip, pens). Located a pair of old sneakers for the night wade? Flash light? Sunscreen? Things to entertain yourself with during the Saturday bus ride? Music? Games? Reading materials? |
Four Days to Go! | ||
No test on Wednesday, but the final Phylum Exam is on Thursday. Lots of extra credit is available and this is your last chance to "pad" that science average with good test scores. Have you started packing for the trip? Found a bathing suit? Found Trip Journal supplies? (colored pencils, outline felt tip, pens). Located a pair of old sneakers for the night wade? Flash light? Sunscreen? Things to entertain yourself with during the Saturday bus ride? Music? Games? Reading materials? |
Five Days to Go! | ||
Have you studied for the Vocabulary Final Exam? Have you started packing for the trip? Found a bathing suit? Found Trip Journal supplies? (colored pencils, outline felt tip, pens). Located a pair of old sneakers for the night wade? How about a flash light for the night wade? Sunscreen? Things to entertain yourself with during the Saturday bus ride? Music? Games? Reading materials? |
Keys Study Unit Quizzes | ||
The following 22 students have a 97 or better average going into the 3 final exams: Abby, Will, Melissa, Taylor, Katy, Kasey, Vipul, Eric, Jack, Sharon, Ryan, Andrew, Kim, Caroline, Patrick, Zak, Jason, Li An, Jordan, Anne, Rioghnach, Noelle |
Florida Keys Trip -- Final Exams | ||
This is the last week for checking out the study guides below dealing with the Florida Keys Final Exams. | ||
Keys Trip Countdown -- # of Days to Go! | ||
Here is your official Keys Trip numerical countdown. Have you studied for the final exams? Have you started packing for the trip? Found a bathing suit? Found Trip Journal supplies? (colored pencils, outline felt tip, pens). Located a pair of old sneakers for the night wade? How about a flash light for the night wade? Sunscreen? Things to entertain yourself with during the Saturday bus ride? Music? Games? Reading materials? |
Keys Study Unit -- 2 weeks to go! | ||
On-Line STUDY LINKS: 1. Fish & Shark Body Parts [flash cards] 2. Final Exam [colored] Fish ID Pictures [flash cards] 3. Fish Movies! [video clips] |
Spring Break! | ||
According to our Circle Discussions on Friday, most students plan to spend a significant portion of their Spring Break SLEEPING! Well, it's a good thing to catch up on sleep. Movies, shopping, and a bit of travel were also tops on the list of things going on during Spring Break. Get lots of rest because after the break it's GO, GO, GO until we head South for the Florida Keys Trip! When we get back to school there are 3 weeks to go before we head to Big Pine Key. |
Physics Test #2 -- 3/14/07 | ||
We'd like to congratulate the following 16 (19.7%) students for getting a 97 or better on the Physics Chapter 2 test: Jesse Zhu, Melissa Seehausen, Margaret Macon, Tyler Hinshaw, Katy Llewellyn, Kasey Skinner, Vipul Vachharajani, Avery Wells, Eric Barefoot, Sharon Jiang, Emmanuel Momot, Caroline Stanek, Zak Brown, Jordan Marsh, Rioghnach Robinson, & Will Stamp These students understood and could name and describe Newton's 3 laws of motion and apply them successfully in various situations. They understood friction and could describe various types as well as ways to reduce them. In addition they could compute "weight" on any planet (in Newtons) and draw, apply, label, and explain vectors of force as they applied to various action diagrams. |
Friday is the End of the 9 Weeks | ||
Friday, March 30th is the end of the 3rd nine weeks grading period. All grades for this nine week marking period are now closed. You will receive a grade report Monday or Tuesday. Hopefully, electronic grade reports will be sent out via email on Wednesday. This grade report will include the scores from your Balloon Popper project and Poster as well as the Physics Chapter 2 test and your "This I Believe" essay scores. A total of 30 grades were collected for this nine weeks. Fortunately for many students, the Balloon Popper scores were amazingly HIGH --- which helped quite a bit, considering the scores on the last physics test..... (Check out the 7UP Club for high scores....) |
"This I Believe" Essays Posted | ||
"This I Believe" essays have been posted on the Hanes web site. Oh, they are WONDERFUL! Check them out and listen to all of them! MrC will be publishing them over iTunes within the next week or so. There will be 7 iTunes podcasts with "This I Believe" essays grouped by the following topics: 1) Family; 2) Friends; 3) Misc.; 4) Personal Codes; 5) School; 6) Seize the Day; and 7) Sports. Click on the picture above or this ESSAY LINK to access the mp3 player that will play the podcasts. |
ALL Balloon Popper Videos Posted | ||
All of the Balloon Popper videos have been edited, uploaded, and posted. Use this BALLOON POPPER LINK to access the media gallery page where the videos are hosted. If your name does NOT appear below, I'm sorry, but due to technical difficulties, no useable video remains. The ones listed below are the only videos available this year. Some "goofs" have been edited out... others remain. If you have complaints, talk to me.... (MrC). Balloon Popper Video #1 Caroline Stanek and Andreana Assimos, Carrie Barlow, Irene Martin, Justin Lackey & Jordan Hileman, Kasey Skinner & Sarah Hoyle, Laine Gladstone & Abby Jameson Balloon Popper Video #2 Emily Beaty & Jordan Marsh, James Shepherd, Melissa Seehausen & Patrick Whitesides, Mitch Loflin, Noelle Wells, Will Cox & Jack Freedman Balloon Popper Video #3 Aaron Riddle & Tyler Nelson, Alex Little & David Welham, Clay Wash & Jenna Hoglander, Andrew Stafford & Eric Barefoot, Kaila Davis & Tiffany Larson, Alex Simcox & Cesar Leon Balloon Popper Video #4 Chris Griffin & Kevin Anderson, Amanda Frankel, Jessica Cotter & Carly Bloomfeld, Colin Rothwell & Tyler Canada, Taylor Bendig & Jonathan Gallagher Balloon Popper Video #5 Jamie Coyle & Rachael Weber, Vipul Vachharajani & Jason Guo, Colton Meadows & Steven Frasica, Meredith Welty & Tyler Hinshaw, Michael Gwyn Balloon Popper Video #6 Brandon Gilbert & Jeff Brasher, Li An & Will Stamp, Rioghnach Robinson & Anne O'Brien, Maddy Thomas & Angela Vogler, Alex Hilleary & Zach Elliott |
Balloon Popper Video Posted | ||
Click on this Balloon Popper LINK to access the 7 HAG Media Gallery where you will find over the next two weeks a growing selection of 320 x 240 size videos of Balloon Popper projects. The included videos require Windows Media Player and a PC to work correctly. In this video you will find: 1. Caroline Stanek and Andreana Assimos 2. Carrie Barlow 3. Irene Martin 4. Justin Lackey & Jordan Hileman 5. Kasey Skinner & Sarah Hoyle 6. Laine Gladstone & Abby Jameson |
Subscribing to iTunes for the Hanes Podcast Feed |
Directions for subscribing to iTunes -- HanesMS.org -- Sound Bytes podcast feed. (Note: We now have 34 podcasts on the iTunes feed.) 1. Click on this link: iTunes Link for Hanes Podcasts 2. When iTunes loads (This assumes you have iTunes installed on your computer. If you don't have it installed, it's still FREE!), click on the "Subscribe" button next to the Hanes "Sound Bytes" graphic. 3. If you get to iTunes and you want to look for the Hanes feed. Follow these steps: a) Go to iTunes; b) Choose "podcasts" from the left menu; c) In the top right 'search' menu in iTunes, type in "HanesMS.org" and hit the 'Enter' key. Double click on the 'HanesMS.org -- Sound Bytes" graphic and you will see all of the podcasts listed below. 4. Once you have subscribed to "HanesMS.org -- Sound Bytes" and you are back in your own version of iTunes (not looking at the iTunes "Store") click on "Download" for any podcasts listed that you would like to listen to -- they are FREE! -- Keep in mind that listening to PODCASTS is FREE -- there is no charge to listening to any podcasts. 5. The next time you load iTunes, right click on the "HanesMS.org -- Sound Bytes" podcast listing and choose "Update" and iTunes will download any new podcasts for you. |
Global Warming Essays Published to iTunes | ||
Check out the 7UP page to see the names of the twenty-four students whose essays were published world-wide on our iTunes podcast feed. |
Global Warming Essays Published to iTunes | ||
Twenty-four global warming essays have been published through iTunes. Congratulations to these students for creating excellent essays and doing a great job on their podcasts! Global Warming-- Part I "Danger to Animals" -- Carrie Barlow "Biodiesel Fuel" -- Kevin Anderson "Climate Change" -- Ryan King "CO2 Levels" -- Chris Griffin "Computer Models" -- Amanda Frankel Global Warming -- Part II “Drought” -- Rioghnach Robinson “El Nino” -- Tiffany Larson “Energy Efficient Lights” -- Alex Little “Fossil Fuels” -- Li An “Greenhouse Gases” -- Alex Sugg Global Warming -- Part III “Kyoto Protocol” -- Maddy Thomas “Ozone Depletion” -- Steven Frasica “Saving Energy” -- Irene Martin “The Electric Car” -- Zach Elliott Global Warming -- Part IV “Danger to Animals” -- Noelle Wells “CO2 Levels” -- Will Cox “Conserving Energy” -- Katy Llewellyn “Drought” -- Alex Hilleary “El Nino” -- Justin Morris Global Warming -- Part V “Energy Efficient Lights” -- Will Stamp “The Kyoto Protocol” -- Eric Barefoot “Methane” -- Anne O’Brien “Ozone Depletion” -- Kasey Skinner “Saving Energy” -- Anna Erickson |
Ball Drop Lab Photos Uploaded | ||
Pictures from the recent ball drop labs have been uploaded to the 7HG science photo gallery. Click on this PHOTO GALLERY LINK or click on the picture above to access the photo gallery. |
Levers Lab Pictures Posted | ||
Click on this LEVERS LAB picture link (or click on the picture to the left) to visit the "Levers Lab" photo gallery with 64 pictures from our recent physics lab. This was our second lab in the "mechanical advantage" series. We'll move on in our next labs and investigate how gravity affects the speed and acceleration of falling objects. |
Physics Test #1 -- 2/9/07 | ||
Contratulations to the 17 students (20% of the team) who made a 97 or better on Physics Test #1. Not only were these students accurate in completing word problems dealing with speed, acceleration, and momentum -- but, they understood frame of reference and centripetal motion problems as well. Melissa Seehausen, Carrie Barlow, Kasey Skinner, Angela Vogler, Hannah Young, Eric Barefoot, Zach Elliott, Alex Hilleary, Alex Little, Taylor Bendig, Emmanuel Momot, Rachel Whitt, Emily Beaty, Steven Frasica, Jason Guo, Li An, Anne O'Brien, and Clay Wash. |
7UP Club Expands with Physics Champs | ||
Check out the new inductees into our 7UP Club after the recent physics test. Oh the numbers are small but the talent is large! Congratulations to all of you who studied hard and mastered speed, acceleration, and momentum word problems! Click on the "7UP Club" link to the right of this window to view the article. |
Inclined Plane Lab Pictures Posted | ||
Click on this INCLINED PLANE LAB picture link (or click on the picture above) to visit the photo gallery with 59 pictures from our recent physics lab. | ||
ALL Radio Drama Stories Posted | ||
All of the radio drama mp3 files have been posted now to the 7th Grade Science Media Gallery. Once you click on a file, it has to LOAD THE ENTIRE FILE before it begins playing, so there will be a bit of wait time. Click on the picture above or click on this MEDIA GALLERY link to go to the podcasting page. |
"To Begin With" Stories Posted | ||
Seventeen stories have been selected to represent our first podcasting story-telling project. They are posted on the Hanes Sound Bytes web pages. Click on the Sound Bytes link or on the graphic above to visit our story gallery. You can listen to the winning stories listed in the mp3 audio jukebox. These are the stories that will be "pushed out" over iTunes this weekend. The title of the new iTunes podcasts will be "Radio Stories -- Parts One, Two, & Three. Pictures taken in class will accompany the story and separate the three podcasts into story "chapters." |
Podcasting Class Enrollment | ||
Tuesday, January 16 is the first day of the new "Podcasting" elective class. Students will need to have a permission slip signed by a parent, giving you permission to attend the class. Please understand that regular elective classes continue and you will need to make up any assignments missed due to the Podcasting Class. The class willl meet in room 109 during 3rd and 4th periods every Tuesday. Yes, it will be a two hour class! Based on iTunes Scavenger Hunt pages submitted by students, here is the list of students currently enrolled in the Podcasting Class Tuesdays during 3rd and 4th periods: (*Need parent permission) 1. Rioghnach Robinson 2. Vipul Vachharajani * 3. Jason Guo 4. Andrew Stafford * 5. Anne O'Brien 6. Clay Wash 7. Noelle Wells 8. Tyler Canada * 9. Brandon Washington * 10. Gilberto Canales * |
Podcasting Class Begins Tuesday, Jan. 16th | ||
I have received Scavenger Hunt submissions from Rioghnach, Vipul, Jason, Andrew, and Anne. Noelle has expressed interest, but no survey answers have been received. If other students are interested, you will need to let me know ASAP! The recorded monologue idea has been postponed for the time being. We'll work on diction, pronunciation, and using a good "speaking voice" once the class begins. Interest in the class will be based on verbal conversation received so far as well as the scavenger hunt answer sheet. The deadline for receiving the iTunes Scavenger Hunt is Thursday afternoon. Be thinking about what you would like to DO in the class. Mr. C. has lots of ideas, but you are free to make suggestions as well. |
Record This Speech! | ||
Those interested in the podcasting class will need to record ONE of the four speeches listed below into a .wav or a .mp3 file and deliver it to MrC along with your aswers to the "Podcasting Scavenger Hunt." The questions for the scavenger hunt are located in the blog entry below this one. The first speech was given by Judy Garland as Dorothy when she returned to her home in the movie, "The Wizard of Oz." It's become quite famous and is referred to as the "No Place Like Home" speech. ("But it wasn't a dream. It was a place. And you and you and you...and you were there. But you couldn't have been could you? No, Aunt Em, this was a real truly live place and I remember some of it wasn't very nice, but most of it was beautiful -- but just the same all I kept saying to everybody was "I want to go home," and they sent me home! Doesn't anybody believe me? But anyway, Toto, we're home! Home. And this is my room, and you're all here and I'm not going to leave here ever, ever again. Because I love you all. And... Oh Auntie Em! There's no place like home!") If you don't like the "No Place Like Home" speech here is another one to try from the movie "Ants." Drone ant Z's (voice of Woody Allen) opening monologue in which he complains about his insignificant life during therapy to his psychologist (Paul Mazursky): ("...I think everything must go back to the fact that I had a very anxious childhood. You know, my - my mother never had time for me. You know, when you're - when you're the middle child in a family of five million, you don't get any attention. I mean how's it possible. And I've always had these abandonment issues, which plagued me. My father was basically a drone like I've said, you know the guy flew away when I was just a larva... and my job, don't get me started on, cause it really annoys me, I was not cut out to be a worker, I'll tell you right now, I feel physically inadequate, I, I, my whole life I've never, I've never been able to lift ten times my own body weight and when you get down to it, handling dirt is..... ewwww, you know is not my idea of a rewarding career...") Finally, here is a third one to try. This is from the Lord of the Rings and it's Gollum talking to himself. (This one is hard!) Smeagol (aka Gollum) originally a Hobbit, was a withered and piteous creature living in the caves beneath the Misty Mountains, who was driven mad and twisted by his loss of the One Ring decades ago - but now compelled to haunt Middle-earth, searching everywhere for the only thing in the world he ever cared for - his 'precious'; in a nighttime scene while Frodo (clutching the Ring) and Sam sleep, Gollum crouches nearby and talks to himself: Gollum: (with an evil expression) We wants it. We needs it. Must have the precious. They stole it from us. Sneaky little hobbitses. Wicked, tricksy, false! Smeagol: (sweetly) No! Not master. Gollum: Yes, precious. First they will cheat you, hurt you, LIE. Smeagol: Master's my friend! Gollum: You don't have any friends, nobody likes you! Smeagol: (covering his ears) I'm not listening, I'm not listening. Gollum: You're a liar and a thief. Smeagol: No! Gollum: Mur-der-er. Smeagol: Go away! Gollum: Go away? (Gollum laughs manically as Smeagol begins crying) Smeagol: I hate you, I hate you. Gollum: Where would you be without me? Gollum! Gollum! I saved us! It was me! We survived because of me! (Smeagol stops crying) Smeagol: (sitting up) Not anymore. Gollum: What did you say? Smeagol: Master looks after us now. We don't need you. Gollum: What? Smeagol: Leave now, and never come back! Gollum: No! Smeagol: LEAVE NOW AND NEVER COME BACK! (Gollum screams in frustration) Smeagol: LEAVE NOW AND NEVER COME BACK! (Silence) (Smeagol hesitates and looks around, then realizes that Gollum has left, and he begins to dance and jump around) We told him to go away... and away he goes, precious! Gone, gone, gone! Smeagol is free! Finally, for those of you who think the above three selections are too dramatic, here is a science article on Global Warming from Wikipedia: The largest contributing source of greenhouse gas is the burning of fossil fuels. Greenhouse gases are gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect. This effect was first described by Joseph Fourier in 1824. An increase in global temperatures is expected to cause other changes, such as a rising sea level due to thermal expansion of the ocean in addition to melting of land ice. Changes are also expected in the amount and pattern of precipitation. The total annual power of hurricanes has increased markedly since the mid-1970's because their average intensity and duration have increased (in addition, there has been a high correlation of hurricane power with tropical sea-surface temperature). Changes in temperature and precipitation patterns may also increase the frequency, duration, and intensity of other extreme weather events, such as floods, droughts, heat waves, and tornadoes. Other consequences may include higher or lower agricultural yields, glacial retreat, reduced summer stream flows, species extinctions and increases in the ranges of disease vectors. Although warming is expected to affect the number and magnitude of these events, it is difficult to connect specific events to global warming. Although most studies focus on the period up to 2100, warming (and sea level rise due to thermal expansion) is expected to continue past then, since CO2 has an estimated atmospheric lifetime of 50 to 200 years. |
Podcasting Class to Begin Tuesday, Jan. 16 | ||
MrC has talked to most of the elective teachers at Hanes and the idea has received a green light so far. To be considered for the 6-8 DJ / Sound Engineer slots in the Podcasting Class you have to have the correct answers to these questions: [Note: Here is a LINK to the same questions in a printable Microsoft Word file.] Podcasting Scavenger Hunt 1. Open iTunes (available for free on a Mac or a PC) 2. Subscribe to the following free podcasts on your home computer and then download the free episodes listed in order to be able to answer the scavenger hunt questions. a. A School in the Coulee Podcast (In the segment titled “Learning in Motion – Walking the Line” what is chapter #4 about and who is the DJ? ) b. 60-Second Science (In 60-Second Science: December 14, 2006 name a “fast gas” and name a “slow gas.” ) c. HanesMS.org – Sound Bytes (In the segment titled “Are Students Over-Scheduled” who introduces the segment? and who is the second speaker and what do they do on Fridays? ) d. Radio WillowWeb (In Willowcast #21 – what are the three vocabulary words introduced in “Vocabulary Theater” and what is the name of the student who handled this segment? ) e. Podcast Central (In the segment called “Science Fair Winners” – chapter #5, what was the student’s name who described his battery voltage experiment and how many .jpg pictures are included in his podcast section? ) f. Science Friday – Making Science Radioactive (In the segment called “2006 Science Year in Review” what animal may go extinct due to Global Warming?) NOTE #1: Do NOT post answers on the blog comments and DO NOT SHARE ANSWERS WITH YOUR FRIENDS. The first class will involve another hands-on test of your understanding of iTunes and searching for, downloading, and researching sample podcasts... so, if you cheat on this it's going to become obvious that you are clueless when the classroom performance quiz is given. You can turn your answers in next week to MrC [must use Cornell notes style: question on the left & answer on the right format]. NOTE #2: If you want to be considered for the class you must also have a signed note from your parents giving you permission to attend the class. You must realize that you will miss 3rd and 4th period elective classes every Tuesday and will have to make up any assignments missed. The key to staying in the class is 1) good behavior and, 2) productivity. Our mission is to produce podcasts for our iTunes feed... not to spend two hours every Tuesday socializing. If it turns out that it's not working for you, MrC will ask that you STOP COMING to the class and return to your normal elective class schedule. A replacement will fill your spot from a waiting list. Good Luck! |
Cry Wolf Chronicals is Restored | ||
As of 6:17 am Tuesday, January 2nd The Cry Wolf Chronicles has been restored and is ready for readers, admirers, reporters, and occasional visitors to return and enjoy the "News" as seen through the eyes of our professional 7th grade reporters. The Newspaper Club will ONLY meet on Wednesdays for the rest of the year. The Friday time slot will be for PODCASTING only. Yes, that's correct. The Friday meeting slot is being taken over by students who want to create or work on podcasting stories for our iTunes podcasting feed. We have the recording equipment -- iRiver mp3 recorders + several nice microphones -- all we need now are a select group of DJs who would like to see their podcasting projects go around the world by way of our iTunes feed. |
Podcasting Project to Continue.... | ||
You'll be happy to learn that MrC has been able to find replacement iRiver mp3 recorders on eBay. The units have arrived and the week we return to class, after New Year's Day, we'll continue with the project. Students who recorded on the stolen units will need to record their stories once again on the new units. If your orginal recorder is still available and you have finished recording your story, you can move over to the computer, download your file, and begin the editing process. If you had one of these six recorders, you'll have to re-record your story: 7, 8, 9, 11, 1, 4. |
Get a Head Start on Physics! | ||
After the winter break we are heading into a study of PHYSICS! You might want to take a look at the Physics Puzzlers -- located on Practice Test #4 -- mutiple scenarios that give you a chance to think about how things work and why! Study Guide #5 in the Physics Section is fun too. Can you identify what is happening in each picture? |
Ah... It's Winter Break! | ||
Have fun on your winter vacation. Sleep late. Watch lots of TV. Eat favorite foods and feast on holiday meals. Visit with family and relatives. Have fun with new toys. Be a kid. Remember that we will start on Balloon Poppers the first week in January and that you NEED A PARTNER! Take a box with you and go on a scavenger hunt around the house looking for toy set parts that you can use for your project. Set the box aside for later. You can always come back to it. If you get bored over the holiday -- take a look at the videos and picture galleries dealing with balloon poppers. Read the guidelines and learn how others have created new inventions and gizmos to make their balloon poppers work well. |
The 7Up Club Welcomes Chemists! | ||
Wednesday, December 20 saw the end-of-the unit test in Chemistry. With the final exam posted on the web as a virtual "study guide," quite a few students took the opportunity to polish their study skills and do well on the test. Below is a list by science class of those students (40!) who scored 97 or better: 1st Period Anna, Jonathan, Abby, Margaret, Melissa, Alex S., David 2nd Period Justin L., Mitch, Kasey, Vipul, Angela, Rachel W., Hannah Y. 5th Period Andreana, Eric, Zach, Jack, Alex H., Sharon, Kim, Alex L., Rachel M., Emmanuel, Caroline, Patrick, Rachel W. 6th Period Zak, Tyler C., Steven F., Jason, Michael, Nabil, Li An, Jordan, Tyler N., Anne, Rioghnach, Clay, Noelle |
"Cry Wolf Chronicles" to go OFF-LINE over Winter Break |
Newspaper Club will NOT meet this week. The newspaper and staff will take a much-needed Winter Holiday. The Newspaper will go OFF-LINE starting Wednesday, December 20th. This is to protect blog stories from offensive SPAM and remove the possibility that strangers will post unacceptable comments deep within the newspaper. We love our newspaper, but MrC cannot spend the entire winter vacation scanning articles to keep out SPAM comments. He needs a break too -- so, no newspaper after Wednesday. When you try to access the newspaper, all you will get is a splash screen instead -- no blog windows will be available. The software will be restored in January when we resume classes. We'll resume publication in January and the "Cry Wolf Chronicles" will be restored when classes resume. |
Congratulations to These Chemists! | ||
On our recent Physical / Chemical Changes Lab there were several students who did an excellent job on their write-ups. Items that tripped up a number of students were the classifications of red dye and sugar in water. Did these illustrate chemical or physical changes? Actually, both of these two additives to water are recoverable through distillation and therefore both of these changes are actually ... PHYSICAL. Congratulations to these twelve expert student CHEMISTS who understood the concept of "distillation" : Kasey, Vipul, Tyler H., Taylor, Chris, Justin, Eric, Jenna, Sharon, Rachel M., Emmanuel, & Caroline |
Chemistry Flash Cards Modified | ||
Mistakes were found on the Chemistry Flash Cards. Here are the correct concepts: 1. Alkali Metals are in column #1 and include Lithium and Sodium. They have one valence electron. 2. Alkali Earth Metals are in column #2 and include Beryllium. These elements have two valence electrons. Several items on the Flash card sets refer to these two families. These mistakes have been corrected as of 6:12 pm 12/18/06. Once you reach the Flash Card (html) page..... REFRESH YOUR BROWSER TO SEE THE NEW VERSION! |
Slime Lab Pictures Posted | ||
Slime lab pictures taken Dec. 12th and 13th during our cross polymer lab series have been posted on the internet. Let me know in the comments section below if there are name and/or spelling corrections. Click on the picture or click on this PHOTO GALLERY LINK to visit the Slime Lab photo gallery web page. |
Chemistry Review Chat Scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 19th at 7pm |
A chat room discussion has been scheduled for Tuesday night from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm on the science web site chat room. Mr. C will be there and you could be there too to ask any last minute questions about the HUGE chemistry test scheduled for Wednesday, Dec. 20th. Here is the link --- 7HAG Chat Room. |
Chemistry Test Next Week | ||
Within the next two weeks there will be a HUGE chemistry test covering everything we have been discussing in chemistry -- all of the ideas about valence electrons, electron shell configurations, periodic table families, types of chemical reactions, balancing chemical reactions, pH, acids & bases, and concepts & ideas taken from our latest lab series. It's a LOT. My suggestion is that you click on the graphic above or go to the STUDY GUIDES page to begin practicing with the six on-line quizzes. I have just updated the quizzes by adding a new "Chemistry Chapter 1" quiz with 82 questions. If you don't see it listed, "refresh" the web page. You are going to need to study for this scheduled Chemistry Test! |
Podcasting Project on Hold | ||
The Podcasting project is, as you know, on hold due to the theft of 6 MP3 recorders. While some of the recorders may be recovered there is no way to tell at this point whether they will be in useable condition. MrC has placed an order to replace the missing recorders, which will be shipped and received (hopefully) within the next few weeks. The long-range goal is to resume the project with significantly increased security measures put into place. Students who recorded scripts on the missing recorders will need to re-record their scrips when the new recorders / players come in. |
This Week in Science -- Recording Podcasts | ||
This week (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday) we will work on polishing up our "To Begin With..." scripts, record the script, and begin editing the sound files. If you have any sound effect files that you have collected from home and want to use in the project, now is the time to bring them to school. Remember that you need to include: 1) a Rhythmic sound, 2) a Pre-recorded voice, and 3) an Exclamation. And, the total time allowed is from 2:30 to 5:00 minutes. DIRECTIONS: CLICK ON THE "PLAY" BUTTON TO LISTEN. (Each Selection is 2:30 long.) Here is a hilarious example of the format by David Henderson called, "The Long Way Home." It's about Odysseus leaving messages on Penelope's answering machine & various excuses about why he can't come home to her. Here is another one that I liked: "They Didn't Get Along" by Michael Hearst and Rick Moody / USA. This one carries the 'didn't get along' theme all the way through the recording. Here is one by Jeanette Werkhoven / Holland -- a sort of narrative/eye-witness report called "The Levitating Stone". In a small village in India, a 90 kg stone levitates when the name of sufi saint Qamar Ali Dervish is chanted. |
New PHOTO Gallery With 26 Albums | ||
Check out the NEW PHOTO galleries. There are 26 albums, including pictures of students in the class (like Mitch.... HA! I got him to smile!) Also, there are new albums in the MrC Adventures section (with MrC trips extending back to 1999). Click on an album to see the photos within. Click on an individual photo to get an enlarged view. To the left in the new photo gallery application, you can search for a particular student by name or, once you are inside a photo album, enable a slide show (full screen is cool!) of photos in that album. Click on this LINK to access the new PHOTO Galleries. |
Thanksgiving Vacation (11/22-24) | ||
This week we have two days of school -- Monday and Tuesday. Remember that Poinsettia Orders are due Tuesday. If you wish to bring your order form and envelope in on Monday, that would be fine. Also, the final exam on Elements is Tuesday. |
Visit Our New CHAT ROOM! | ||
Our first group CHAT was wildly successful with many students logging in and making comments. Mr C. has turned "ON" logging --- that means that everything you type is recorded so that he can go back and see every comment made during and between formal chat sessions. So.... word to the wise ... no cussing, no bad language, no put downs. Be nice or you'll get thrown out of the chat room..... Chat Room Schedule: Tuesday, Nov. 14th: 8-9 pm (Topic: 1st Elements Test) Monday, Nov. 20th: 8-9 pm (Topic: Elements Test final Exam) MrC will be "on line" and available for questions. "General Chat" has a limit of 50 participants.... so, the first 50 people who log on get in. After that, you'll get a 'room full' message. Here is the link 7HAG Chat Room. |
2nd Nine Weeks Begins | ||
Well, I hope everyone has had a great Intersession Holiday with time to relax, sleep late, and catch up on music, hobbies, travel, TV, and computer games. Starting right away we'll launch into CHEMISTRY. First up is learning the names of 50 elements. The first two tests are this week (groan!) and the final exam is a week from Tuesday. Don't panic. This is actually fun! You'll learn a series of great memory techniques that will help you learn element symbols and names. The top score last year was well into the 200s! |
Mr. Clauset Gives Presentation at National Gifted Conference in Charlotte, NC | ||
Mr. C. traveled to Charlotte this past weekend (Nov. 3-4-5) to give a presentation at the National Association for Gifted Children Conference. His session was titled, "An Inquiry Approach to Science Instruction for the Highly Gifted Middle School Student." With a cooler of dry ice that he had brought to the session, Mr. C. introduced workshop participants to a series of fun activities involving the mysterious properties of frozen carbon dioxide. Film canisters exploded, balloons inflated, candles were snuffed out, beakers erupted with fog, and mountains of bubbles cascaded out of containers. Key questions were: 1) Why is it happening? and 2) What does this tell us about carbon dioxide? Workshop participants thought the workshop was excellent and were curious as well about other great 7th grade HAG projects and labs including bottle rockets, balloon poppers, the Florida Keys trip, and end-of-the-year Multi-Media projects. |
Bottle Rocket Photo Gallery | ||
Bottle Rocket lab pictures taken Thursday, October 19th are now available on-line at this LINK. Jenna's rocket flew 71 meters ... an all-time record! |
Bottle Rockets Launch Thursday | ||
Bring your finished bottle rocket in to class two days early -- Tuesday! We'll need to run two tests: 1) Measuring your rocket for total mass in grams; and 2) Determining the center of mass or balance point. If you discover that your bottle rocket weighs too little or too much -- or -- you need to adjust the center of mass (balance point), you'll still have time to modify your rocket before the formal launch Thursday. |
7UP Club Expands with Weather Test #2 | ||
Weather Test #2 focusing on factors that affect climate -- temperature, precipitation, prevailing winds, mountain ranges, ocean currents, continental shift, etc. has come and gone. We now have a new set of students who made a 97 or better on this lastest test in science. Carly Bloomfeld, Will Cox, Jonathan Gallagher, Margaret Macon Melissa Seehausen, Alex Sugg, Meredith Welty, Chris Griffin Tyler Hinshaw, Justin Lackey, Kasey Skinner, Avery Wells Vipul Vachharajani, Eric Barefoot, Alex Hilleary, Kim Korzen Justin Morris, Caroline Stanek, Jeff Brasher, Emily Beaty Zak Brown, Stephen Folwell, Michael Gwyn, Nabil Lachgar Jordan Marsh, Tyler Nelson, Rioghnach Robinson, Clay Wash |
Dry Ice Picture Gallery Updated | ||
Check out the newly updated "Dry Ice Photo Gallery" web page. This photo gallery features students in all four of MrC's science classes. Here is a link to the PHOTO GALLERY. A second set of pictures was uploaded Thursday (the final day to the three-day lab series.) [Note: Newer pictures appear on TOP ... older pictures are featured starting at picture #39 and go from #39 - #74.] |
Welcome to the 7UP Club! | ||
Students who score a 97 or better on any science test will find their names listed on the 7UP Club roster. The first science test for this year was our test on Weather -- Chapter #1 dealing with fronts, clouds, weather maps, and pressure. The following students scored a 97 or better on this test: Abby Jameson, Melissa Seehausen, Carrie Barlow, Meredith Welty, Taylor Bendig, Sarah Hoyle, Mitch Loflin, Kasey Skinner, Emily Beaty, Jeff Brasher, Brandon Gilbert, Li An, Jordan Marsh, Anne O'Brien, Clay Wash, Noelle Wells, Vipul Vachharajani, Angela Vogler, Rachael Weber, Avery Wells, Eric Barefoot, Zach Elliott, Jenna Hoglander, Sharon Jiang, Ryan King, Kim Korzen, Rachel Minster, Emmanuel Momot, and Caroline Stanek. Congratulations to these students for scoring a 97 or better! |
Bottle Rocket Launch Date Set | ||
Bottle Rockets will launch on Thursday, October 19th. This is a great weekend project that combines a bit of physics (Newton's Laws of Motion), chemistry (the behavior of gases), and weather (it's all about 'pressure') in one package. There is a whole web page on the project. Click on this LINK and you will be taken to the bottle rocket web page. Three video clips are available to show you how to construct a bottle rocket, which materials to collect, and how to make sure it is balanced correctly. There are also a series of photo gallery pictures featuring last year's launch. Click on this PHOTO GALLERY LINK to view the images. Maybe, just maybe, if you're lucky this year, your rocket will beat Mr. C's! |
Podcasting Pictures Posted | ||
Pictures of our recent "Podcasting" labs can be found on the Hanes web site. Click on this LINK and you will be taken to the Hanes web site where MrC has placed an article about the lab series and a first set of pictures. Additional pictures will be added from Lab #3 which will take place Tuesday of this week. In this lab you will have a chance to learn the final piece of software in the series -- building your final mp3 "podcasting" file using the movie dialogue audio file you created last week on the iRiver mp3 player / recorders (on one "track") and then adding background music or sound effects (on additional "tracks"). You'll love this lab! It's great fun. |
Bring Ear Buds -- or -- Headphones THURS. | ||
Remember to bring a set of ear buds or headphones for the labs on Thursday and Friday of this week. You'll need these for Thursday and Friday of this week when we are doing our first labs with the iRiver mp3 player/recorders. Mr. C. will NOT provide headphones or ear buds for you. So, if you forget -- you will not be able to listen to -- or edit -- the sound files you create. |
This Week in Science, Sept. 11-15 | ||
MON: Relative Humidity Lab using sling psychrometers (pictured) TUES: Check homework (1-6 & Vocabulary) WED: Weather Chapter 1 + Newspaper Club meeting from 2:10 to 3:45 (8th graders invited to visit, 7th graders welcome as well) THURS: Podcasting Lab #1 (Recording) FRID: Podcasting Lab #2 (Sound Editing) & Professional Friday #3 ALERT: Check Homework Calendar for homework assignments! |
And the Race is ON! | ||
Next Wednesday (September 6th) the Newspaper Club (Cry Wolf Chronicles & Hanes Web Reporters) opens for business! Newspaper club will meet from 2:15 to 3:45 on Wednesdays. We'll see if there is enough interest for a second meeting on Fridays. Last week we had an introduction to the project and many people signed up on a legal pad in class. If you would like to contribute to the Newspaper and are a 7th grader, you are welcome to come to the club meeting in Mr. C's class, room 109. If you are an 8th grader and are wistful about old times, come to visit the following Wednesday -- Sept. 13th. |
Cry Wolf Chronicles & Hanes BBS Restored | ||
As of 8/25/06 the Cry Wolf Chronicles and the Hanes BBS have been restored for users and readers. Monday, August 28th current seventh grade students will be introduced to the two pieces of software and asked if they want to support them for the year. A plea for volunteers to help write articles will be posted and ... we'll see if the current group of 7th graders decides to follow through and support these two web-based activities. IF.... IF.... they vote in favor of continuing.. then we'll meet on Wednesdays and Fridays from 2:10 to 3:45 pm. Newspaper reporters will also help write articles for the Hanes web site clubs, sports, and activities. Also, reporters this year will be trained in "Podcasting" in order to include radio broadcast reports about things happening at Hanes Middle School -- both on the Wolf Team and around the rest of the building. |
Ready or Not...... | ||
Oh, it's getting closer. School starts Friday morning, August 25th. Check out the list of supplies you'll need for classes. Read over the Newsletter you picked up at Open House. Friday and Monday you'll have to carry your stuff with you. Locks and lockers get assigned 5th period Tuesday. 8th Graders! It was great seeing you and saying "Hello" after the long summer vacation. You're going to have a great year too; but, come back to visit again. By the way, ask Ben Glock what NOT to do when you come by to visit. Yes, once again Ben shows how we should all strive for more "mature" behavior.... |
Open House -- Monday, August 21st | ||
Have you had a great summer? Spent time at the pool? Traveled to see relatives or explore new places? But, of course, it has been a long time since you were in school. Summer vacation seems so wonderful at first, but if you've been home for a while, perhaps it's getting a bit old. So, have you been a little 'bored' lately? Well, school is finally rolling around to fill up your time again. Open House for 7th grade students and parents is Monday, August 21st from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. We hope to see EVERYONE! It's going to be a great year and we are looking forward to meeting all the new students and their families. To rising 8th graders still reading Mr. C's blog -- you get to go back to school too! Come by to say "Hello" on the 21st! |
Florida Keys Photo & Art Work Galleries Now Available |
Eight photo galleries are now available. They include: Everglades, Sombrero Beach, Sea Camp, Labs, Snorkeling, Sea World, Keys Journals (Scenes), and Keys Journals (Art Work). This picture was created by Sam Wilson. Click on Sam's picture above or click on this LINK that will take you to the photo galleries. The art work galleries are going to be GREAT. 6th period is first and others will follow. |
Oh, Physics is So Cool! | ||
Now that we have spent a bit of time talking about Balloon Poppers, it's time to launch into Physics. We'll begin with a few labs on mechanical advantage and then move on to labs dealing directly with gravity and its affect on moving and falling objects. Our first lab will be about inclined planes and why the Egyptians liked them so much. Next we'll look at levers and figure out how to lift a car with your little finger. Look to the right side of this page and you will find many links to interesting things dealing with physics. There are lots of neat web resources as well as pages that I have put together for you to investigate. |
Global Warming Unit to begin 1/2/06 | ||
So, snooping around the science web site over the holidays hoping to find out what we're going to study next? Well, we're going to go back and pick up the "Global Warming" unit that we didn't have time to complete in November. Check out the Science Homework calendar for links to the various study guides and practice tests on "Global Warming." We'll watch a series of videos in class, discuss topics of interest and wind up with at test on Thursday, January 12th. If that conflicts with the "Wax Museum" we'll adjust the test date forward or back a day or so. Immediately after completing the "Global Warming" unit, we launch into physics. The big project for 3rd quarter is the "Balloon Popper." Check out the Science web site links for the popper. You could get a head start over the holidays by collecting materials -- especially the "back board." |
New Feature: RSS Feeds | ||
You may have noticed the tiny "RSS" image at the bottom of this post. "RSS" stands for "Really Simple Syndication." It's a simple and easy way for news generators to send out new articles on the Internet. So, this blog is now 'RSS Compliant' and can be added to an RSS Newsreader. New software has sprouted on the Internet that lets you post RSS feeds on your own website. I've been tinkering around with this idea and have come up with a new feature for the science website -- an RSS Feed web page. Click on the link to take a look at it. All of the more than 25 science-related news feeds can be viewed from the same web page. If you are a news junky or just like to read about science and technology, using RSS feeds is a fast and simple way to check out what is happening in science. Once you have arrived at the web page, click on a link and you will see 10 of the latest articles sent out on that particular feed. Click on an article title and you will be taken to the original posting on the host website. Very cool! I hope you like this new feature. Try it out! |
New Feature: FAQ | ||
I discovered this really cool FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) software [called "phpMyFAQ"] on the web and decided to set it up on my web site. Found on "HotScripts.com" it's free, is written in php, and uses a MySQL database to archive questions. Plans are underway to provide questions and answers for each major unit and project in science throughout the year. If you'd like to post a question about science that you think others might like to see the answer to as well, you can do that also by clicking on the "Ask question" option. To look at the new feature click on this link: Science FAQ |
China's Great Wall | ||
The Great Wall in China stretches some 3000 miles west of Beijing. It was originally intended to keep the Mongol hordes out of the country, but the strategy didn't work. A sentry on the Great Wall was bribed the Mongol "hordes" streamed over the wall and eventually took over the country. I spent a day hiking an 11km. section of the wall on my recent trip to China. There are LOTS of steps, both going up and down since the wall hugs the crests of hills and ridge lines. Local villagers tagged along in hopes of selling us postcards, T-shirts, or books (mostly in Chinese!) as souvenirs. |
Now That's a BIG Fish! | ||
Caught a month ago in a river in northern Thailand, this whopper of a fish was 2.7 meters long and weighed 646 pounds! It's thought to be the largest freshwater fish ever caught. The Thai fishermen who caught the giant catfish struggled for more than an hour to land the behemoth. At first it was hoped the male fish could be returned to the river to continue its spawning migration. But the fish died and ended up feeding almost an entire village. |
Science Leadership Heading to India | ||
It looks round, but Internet connectivity has made the earth flat. The world is bypassing American students and taking instead science graduates from India and China who work harder and are better qualified. Check out this Podcast on science and hear the experts talk about the brain drain to India. Click on the underlined link that follows: Science Podcast NOTE: This is an 18 MB mp3 file and takes about 30 seconds to download at broadband speeds. It's a radio news show that runs about 45 minutes. |
Have You Seen This Movie? | ||
Madagascar -- a new animated movie out recently. Have you seen it? What do you think? Go see it and let us know! |
Dalmatian Rides Motorbike | ||
A dalmatian which rides a motorcycle has been turning heads in a Chinese city. The dalmatian wears sunglasses while riding the motorbike and sidecar in Nanjing. Its owner says the dog can drive for about 200 metres at speeds of up to 5mph. Some Dog! | ||
Check This Out -- a "Radio" Blog! | ||
Very cool, just very cool. Here's the plan -- hook up a microphone to an iPod, capture news, commentary, feedback, impressions from students during the Florida Keys trip (saved on the iPod as .wav files). Then when we get back to Winston convert these iPod .wav files to .mp3 and then to Radio Blog files (.rbs). Then we can set up a "RadioBlog" just for the Keys Trip page where you can hear all the commentaries from this year's trip. Is that not too cool?! Be nice... say YES! Let's DO IT! Want to see the Radio Blog now? Here it is... Radio Blog |