Science Daily News

June 19th
Today's modern cities, from Denver to Dubai, could learn a thing or two from the ancient Pueblo communities that once stretched across the southwestern United States. For starters, the more people live together, the better the living standards.
June 19th
Astronomers have identified periodic gamma-ray emissions from 11 active galaxies, paving the way for future studies of unconventional galaxies that might harbor two supermassive black holes at their centers.
June 19th
Teaching physics to neural networks enables those networks to better adapt to chaos within their environment. The work has implications for improved artificial intelligence (AI) applications ranging from medical diagnostics to automated drone piloting.
June 19th
Engineers have devised a model to describe how, in the process of establishing wind farms, interactions between developers and landowners affect energy production costs.
June 19th
Setting out to identify all proteins that make up the sarcomere, the basic contractile unit of muscle cells, resulted in an unexpected revelation, providing experimental evidence that helps explain a fundamental mystery about how muscles work.
June 19th
The livelihoods of millions of people living along the world's biggest river systems are under threat by a range of stressors caused by the daily economic, societal and political activity of humans -- in addition to the long-term effects of climate change, researchers report.
June 19th
A 'smart' system that controls the storage and release of energy from wind turbines will reduce the risk of power cuts and support the increase of wind energy use world-wide, say researchers.
June 19th
A team of researchers has uncovered new information about the mass of individual components that make up a promising quasiparticle, known as an exciton, that could play a critical role in future applications for quantum computing, improved memory storage, and more efficient energy conversion.
June 19th
Researchers demonstrate a high level of control over a type of colloid in which the suspended particles take the form of hollow, nanoscale cubes. This case has only previously been explored through theoretical calculations.
June 19th
Scientists aim to understand how skyrmions behave in a substrate under dc and ac drives.
June 19th
Researchers are exploring new ways of creating quantum-mechanical interactions between distant electrons. The research marks an important advance in quantum computing.
June 19th
Researchers have found that a soy-derived protein fragment that reaches the brain after being ingested reduces memory degradation in mice with an induced cognitive impairment, providing a new lead for the development of functional foods that help prevent mental decline.
June 19th
Cabbage plants defend themselves against herbivores and pathogens by deploying a defensive mechanism called the mustard oil bomb. Researchers have now been able to show that this defense is also effective against the widespread fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. However, the pathogen uses at least two different detoxification mechanisms that enable the fungus to successfully spread on plants defended in this way.
June 19th
A new study of albatrosses has found that wind plays a bigger role in their decision to take flight than previously thought, and due to their differences in body size, males and females differ in their response to wind.
June 19th
Researchers have developed a pioneering production method for heterostructure devices, based on 2D materials such as graphene.
June 19th
A research group developed a new technology that can drastically conserve the energy used to capture CO2 from gases exhausted from a concentrated source such as thermal power plants. With this technology, namely H2 stripping regeneration technology, combustion exhaust gas can be replaced by CO2/H2 gas at lower temperatures than those used in conventional technology.
June 19th
Researchers have observed the exploratory behavior of ants to inform the development of a more efficient mathematical sampling technique.
June 19th
Researchers have shed light on the reproductive role of 'dark matter' DNA - non-coding DNA sequences that previously seemed to have no function. Their findings have revealed that a specific non-coding genomic region is essential for the proper development of the male and female reproductive organs in rice.
June 19th
Researchers have developed LIH383, a novel molecule that binds to and blocks a previously unknown opioid receptor in the brain, thereby modulating the levels of opioid peptides produced in the central nervous system (CNS) and potentiating their natural painkilling and antidepressant properties.
June 19th
Australian researchers have made significant advances in understanding the inflammatory cell death regulatory protein MLKL and its role in disease.