MrC's Travels


Cosplay Terminology: A Comprehensive Guide

Cosplay, short for "costume play," is a vibrant subculture where enthusiasts create and wear costumes to represent specific characters from various media, including anime, manga, video games, movies, and TV shows. This unique hobby has developed its own rich vocabulary to describe different aspects of costume creation, performance, and community. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the key terms and concepts that every cosplay enthusiast should know.

Cosplay Basics

Cosplayer: A person who participates in cosplay by creating and wearing costumes.

Cosplay Costume: A costume created to resemble a character from a particular media source.

Cosplay Character: The fictional character that a cosplayer portrays through their costume and performance.

Cosplay Costume Components


A wig is a hairpiece worn to match the hairstyle and color of the character being portrayed. Cosplayers often use wigs to achieve the desired look accurately.


A prop is a handheld item or accessory that complements the character's costume and adds authenticity to the cosplay. Props can range from weapons and gadgets to magical artifacts.


Armor refers to protective clothing worn over a cosplayer's costume to replicate the appearance of a character's armor or exoskeleton.

Cosplay Techniques


Sewing involves creating costumes by stitching fabric together using a sewing machine or by hand. Many cosplayers learn basic sewing techniques to construct their costumes.

Armor Crafting

Armor crafting involves shaping and molding materials such as foam, thermoplastics, or resin to create armor pieces that mimic the appearance of metal or other materials.

Wig Styling

Wig styling is the process of cutting, shaping, and styling wigs to match the hairstyle of the character being portrayed. Cosplayers use various tools and techniques to achieve the desired look.

Cosplay Events and Communities


A convention is a gathering of cosplay enthusiasts and fans of various media sources. Cosplayers often attend conventions to showcase their costumes, participate in competitions, and meet fellow enthusiasts.


A meetup is a casual gathering of cosplayers in a specific location, such as a park or cafe, to socialize, share costume tips, and take photos together.

Cosplay Competition

A cosplay competition is an event where cosplayers compete to showcase their costumes and performances. Competitions may feature categories such as craftsmanship, accuracy, and stage performance.

From sewing and wig styling to conventions and competitions, cosplay encompasses a diverse range of techniques and activities. By familiarizing yourself with the terminology and concepts outlined in this guide, you'll be better equipped to navigate the exciting world of cosplay and express your creativity through costume creation and performance.