Well, if you'd like to say "Hi!" and leave a message, give this page a try. Keep in mind that you do need to use your real name. Please, no aliases or weird made-up names. As long as the trend is reasonable and not mean or nasty, I'll keep the Guestbook up and running. Unfortunately, I have not had great luck with this feature as people tend to 'flame on' as they feel that it's OK to do it anonymously. Ah well, we'll see how it shakes out. If you write with thoughts "do my marketing assignment", our site can help you both with content, and contact professors and people who are engaged in detailed study of the topic you are interested in. |
I've been tinkering with internet web sites since 1998. Moodle is definitely the coolest educational software tool I have ever used with students. Our Moodle site offers students a safe way to interact with science content AND it gives the teacher a way to track on-line participation. In sixth grade science we do all of our essay writing on the web and post essays to forums for each chapter. Moodle handles all the videos for the course and it features quick 5-question quizzes following each video. It's a great tool and I'm continuing to experiment with the options it offers. MOODLE WEB PAGE...... MOODLE WEB SITE ..... |
Students always want to know just a little bit more about their teachers. After fielding many questions from students over the years, I decided to put together this page which gives a little background on my family, interests, and travels. Note: There are clues on the page for MrC's age (amazingly old!) as well as other tidbits. No, you won't find my middle name here -- you'll have to search the web for that one!. I do like to travel and have visited over 30 countries around the globe. Over in the Photo Gallery section, you can browse through some of the pictures I've accummulated over the years from trips I've taken. MrC's Photo Gallery Page ..... |
![]() Here is your chance to see what 6th grade science students will be studying during the school year. Rather than list EVERYTHING we do, I've tried to highlight the general trends. You can get more specific information about labs, projects, and units of study by checking out the major drop-down menus on the rest of the site. |
Earth Science lends itself nicely to the use of LOTS of technology. Several years ago I began buying EeePC netbooks for our 6th grade science classroom and now we have over 24 netbooks.. enough for each student in class to have his or her own laptop for working on labs, accessing the internet, learning how to use Moodle, etc. The lab side of our science classroom features its own wifi network, a network printer, and a network-attached hard drive that handles sound editing files and test-delivery software. Certain Earth Science labs require the use of specific technology from USB-attached accelerometers to specialized PC software dealing with earthquakes and faults. |